Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cream Cake Owl Treats...

Finally our household is settling down. For a little while at least.

Soccer is wrapping up and volleyball is over. We can relax. That allows me the time to make fun seasonal treats!

It's the perfect time of year for whimsical food, as Halloween is right smack dab around the corner. I've seen a lot of owl themed treats on the blogosphere, but have to say, these from One Charming Party are adorable!

Taking inspiration from Brittany, I wanted to make owl treats that were no bake, because sometimes, you just don't want to hassle with it. Am I right!?!

Anyway, if you don't want to bake, but would like to conjure up a sweet treat... this is perfect for you!

Now, whoooo would like to make these little lovelies?

Cream Cake Owl Treats

  • Chocolate Covered Cream Cakes
  • Oreo Cookies, Original and/or Peanut Butter Filled
  • Reece's Pieces Candies
  • Chocolate Candy Melts

Begin by removing the amount of cream cakes that you are using from the packaging. Place them on waxed paper.

Separate the cookies, keeping the cream in tact on one side. Save the other half of the cookie, if you'd like. You can crumble them up to make pie crust later, if you so choose!

Place the candies in a bowl, so they are easier to grab. Then, melt the candy melts according to the package directions, until smooth. 

Using a spoon or frosting spatula, spread a small amount of the melted chocolate onto the cookies, where it will attach to the cream cakes. Place the cookies onto the cream cakes, so they look like the outline of owl eyes.

Next, take two candies (any color) and using a toothpick, apply a dab of melted chocolate onto the each of them. Place in the middle of the cookie center, onto the cookie cream.

Finally, take a third candy (orange) and dip one edge, into the melted chocolate. Attach in between the owl eyes, to look like an owl beak.

Let the melted chocolate set, and serve.


I'm linking this post up to I'm Lovin' It...  


  1. Okay, these are toooooo cute! I'm with you that things may wind down a bit when sports slow down. My family is finishing up soccer this week and I feel as if I've gained more time --
    The cookies are adorable and look forward to making them for my family. Thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you, Dana! They were a lot of fun to make :)

  2. This is so cute. I love it! I'm your new follower ;)

  3. I never tire of owl treats and the big eyes; so cute!

  4. These are the most adorable little things! Love 'em!


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