Thursday, February 21, 2013

Lemon Vanilla Bean Mousse...


So, are you throwing a spectacular Oscar party this year or watching it in your pajamas on your couch, by yourself?

I usually tend to do the latter. I rarely miss the Red Carpet. Honestly, that is my favorite part......

...... well, almost. I enjoy the night after when I can watch Fashion Police on E! Um, can you say hilarious!

Most of the time I've not seen the nominees for Best Picture, but this year I've seen 1-1/2 of the films nominated.

Silver Linings Playbook happens to be one of them. It is a fabulous movie! I would recommend it to anyone. It may seem like a chick flick, but men could definitely get into this movie. It has football, after all.

The other 1/2 was Beasts of The Southern Wild. Okay...... let me explain this one.

While visiting family in California this past summer, my Aunt wanted to take me, my girls, and my sister to see this movie. It is rated PG-13, and the previews looked appropriate when my Aunt saw them, so it seemed fine to take my 8 year old along.

Yes, there was some language I found myself wincing at, but was enjoying the movie. Until, about a little less than half way through the film, my youngest starts freaking out and crying. Okay, it is a bit depressing (I mean, her family sitch is not the best), and there is a hurricane that the young narrator/protagonist begins preparing for. She does this by getting in a small rickety boat, all the while the hurricane is beginning to bare down on her home. It's loud, it's scary.

Needless to say, my Aunt felt bad and took my youngest out of the theatre and insisted we stay. I was willing to ride out the movie, but my oldest daughter and sister we're not. Let's just say my youngest was their saving grace when it came to getting out of that theatre!

There you have it. Two...... and a half...... Oscar nominated films I've seen this season. How about you? Have you seen any of the films nominated? Do you love watching the Red Carpet as much as I do?

If you find yourself watching this year, say you'll watch while treating yourself to some airy, lemony, delicious mousse.

Well, what do you know!?! I have a recipe right here for you...

Lemon Vanilla Bean Mousse

  • 1 Cup Heavy Whipping Cream, Chilled
  • 2/3 Cup Granulated Sugar
  • 1 Lemon, Juiced and Zested
  • 1 Vanilla Bean, Scrapped
  • 2 Egg Whites (You can use Egg Beaters Egg Whites), Room Temperature                                              
In a medium chilled bowl, using chilled beaters, beat the cream until stiff peaks begin to form, all the while gradually adding the sugar, lemon juice and zest, then the scrapped vanilla bean seeds. Set the bowl aside in the refrigerator. Rinse the beaters.

In another medium bowl, beat the egg whites on high until they become frothy, then form into very stiff peaks. This will take anywhere from 8 to 10 minutes. 

Using a spatula, fold the egg whites into the lemon vanilla whipped cream in small batches. Divide the mousse between six to eight, 4 oz. ramekins. Cover and chill in the refrigerator overnight. Makes 6-8 servings.


I'm linking this post up to I'm Lovin' It.


  1. Ohh this sounds fantastic! full of lemony flavor -
    Mary x

  2. I really want to see Silver Linings Playbook! This mousse looks amazing Emily!

  3. I've only made chocolate mousse, so this would be a nice, tasty switch!

  4. You always post the best recipes.

  5. This mousse sounds so lovely, I love the addition of the vanilla bean. The little specks are so pretty! :)


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