Monday, September 10, 2012

My Summer...

After organizing our house and posting a few recipes on this here blog, my girls and I visited my in-laws in southern Oregon, then flew down to southern California to visit my family. It was a great way to end the summer and get some last minute fun in before my girlies started their new school last week.

Hence, my lack of posting. I'm finding it a little difficult getting back into developing recipes. I promise that I will get back into the swing of things... soon!

While visiting my in-laws we went blackberry picking. It was so much fun! All we had to do was walk down the street from their house and start plucking away. Very Little House on The Prairie.....

..... so loved that show growing up.

Don't those blackberries look luscious!?!

The best part was watching my youngest picking berries with her grandparents, aunt, and cousins. She had such a blast!

This wasn't the only bowl of berries we picked.... we had another one full to the brim.

Look at the delicious result... this Blackberry Cobbler was fab! You can find recipe here. Try it!

Once home in California, my dad, sister, and nieces went to our city fair with us. I hadn't attended in years, with all the moving around and what not.

What a great way to say goodbye to summer and our fun filled day... a ride on the Ferris wheel. 

I couldn't go home without seeing a Dodger game! Once again, it had been years since I'd been to one.

We stayed for the fireworks and watched them standing on the grass in left field. It was totally worth battling the traffic out of the parking lot! I've been to many games in my childhood, but never stood on the field.

I hope the end to your summer was as fantastic as mine. Now, on to Fall!....

.... and some tasty and savory treats!

1 comment:

  1. Your cobbler looks fantastic, especially with fresh picked berries! My girls loved "Little House" too...such sweet memories. I still like to watch it:) Great photos! Go Dodgers!!!


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