Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Chocolate Fridge Cake...

OK... I'm just gonna lay it all out there...... I am super excited about the upcoming Royal Wedding! I will be one of THOSE people who'll stay up and watch the entire event on TV. Of course it helps that I live in a time zone where Wills and Kate's wedding will air around 10pm... a major score for me... no setting my alarm clock so I can get up at the crack of dawn!

For weeks I've been thinking about posting a recipe in regards to their wedding cake. If you haven't already heard, the main wedding cake is a traditional English Fruit Cake...... um, yeah...... I don't like fruit cake...

... at all.

No need to worry though, Prince William is having a groom's cake. Then I found out it's going to be an unbaked chocolate and McVitie's biscuit cake. Biscuits in England are what we call cookies here in America, by the way.

Cookies and chocolate, plus it's not baked... oh yeah... I'm lovin' this!

So, I've done a little research and found that one name this cake goes by is Chocolate Fridge Cake. Jamie OliverNigella Lawson, and the King Arthur Flour blog have recipes for this sort of cake. All the recipes look great. The first two have way too many nuts and fruit in it for my taste, but they are more traditional, which I like. As for the third recipe, it doesn't have the abundance of ingredients, like the first two...... I like that. So, I decided to adapt my cake from all three recipes.

I must be super lucky people, because I found some McVitie's Rich Tea Biscuits at my local grocery store. They were with the specialty food items such as German and English brands. If you can't find them, they taste almost exactly like an animal cracker. Those could definitely be used instead of the tea biscuits.

Before I bore you too long with all my research details and all the attempts it took to develop this cake...... not to mention my excitement for The Royal Wedding, I'd better just tell you how to make this oh so yummy cake.

So, here's an American take on a British dessert...

Chocolate Fridge Cake
  • 6 oz. Milk Chocolate Chips
  • 6 oz. Dark Chocolate Chips
  • 2 Tablespoons of Butter
  • 1 Tablespoon of Honey
  • 1 Teaspoon of Pure Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 Pint of Heavy Whipping Cream
  • 12 McVitie's Biscuits, 2 per Ramekin
  • 1/2 Cup of Macadamia Nuts, Divided
  • 3 Tablespoons of Cocoa, for Dusting
In a double boiler, melt the chocolate chips, butter, honey, vanilla and cream until smooth. Remove from the heat and set aside. In six 7 oz. ramekins, place one biscuit at the bottom of each. Next, divide and sprinkle the macadamia nuts over the biscuits. Pour the melted chocolate mixture into the ramekins, dividing evenly. Place one more biscuit on top of the chocolate mixture. Chill the ramekins in the refrigerator overnight. Before serving, dust the tops with cocoa powder. Makes 6 servings.


Printable Recipe here on Tasty Kitchen

Now, be sure to make these... get up at the crack of dawn... pop one outta the fridge... and indulge while watching Wills and Kate's happy day!

Who says you can't start the day off with chocolate!?!

I"m linking this post up to I'm Lovin' It, Sweet Tooth Friday, and The Royal Wedding Linky Party.


  1. I am SOOO excited for the Royal wedding too! My husband tells me I'm obsessed and crazy, and I just dont care! lol This recipe sounds AMAZING! I will have to try it once I get a 'cheat' day. (Im trying to get into swimsuit shape) lol

  2. I know what you mean... I try to give most of my desserts away to my neighbors... or I WILL eat them!

  3. These look so yummy! The wedding is on at 4:30 am, bummer. I am not a morning person; so I guess I will have to watch the reruns later on:)

  4. Awesome fridge cakes!

    I am looking forward to the royal wedding too. I watched when Princess Diana got married and unfortunately her funeral as well.



  5. I just saw the "I Do's" how sweet now I only wish I had some of this sweet cake
    come see me at http://shopannies.blogspot.com

  6. I am LOVIN' this one! Chocolate is a favorite of mine, and this looks too good to pass up!


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