Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Certain Cookbook...

  A certain cookbook arrived on my doorstep this weekend. One that I'm excited to share with you...

About four years ago I submitted a family recipe to Gooseberry Patch. To tell you the truth I had completely forgotten about it. Between day to day household musings, running kids around to practices and appointments, then moving, it slipped my mind. Until... I received a letter from Gooseberry Patch letting me know that they were interested in publishing that recipe.

Of course I checked the permission box, sealed the return letter in an envelope, smacked a stamp on there and mailed it right on back to Gooseberry Patch.

The recipe I submitted was one I grew up eating. My grandma, who we affectionately called Mimi, made an amazing Spanish Rice. It's comfort food... like, to the max. Sorry, my Eighties upbringing forced me to say that. Anyway, it's a recipe that reminds me of her... along with potato chips, molasses cookies, and the pumpkin pie disaster. That's a story for another time... we'll get to it, don't worry.

Click here to order

After 9 years to the exact anniversary of her passing, this brown package arrives at my home. What makes it even more special is that many others can now enjoy her recipe...


  1. I NEED ONE OF those can I get one???


  2. HA! I see the order link now...oops.


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